Monday, August 29, 2011

First Impressions

Over the years I’ve read and heard from many sources about just how important that initial first impression is. As an entertainer, I’ve certainly experienced that the first impression is super important. It’s also important from a business standpoint. We make snap judgments all the time. We certainly do it when we meet people. We decide whether we are going to like or dislike someone almost immediately. We make super fast judgments as to whether we want to do deal or do business with someone, talk to them on the phone, or even spend a few moments talking to them. From an entertainer’s perspective, the audience meets us the moment we walk onstage. Managing that initial first impression is incredibly important. I was recently working on a cruise ship and experienced something that made me realize just how important the first impression really is.

So, I was standing just offstage as the show began. I was scheduled to go on after the opening singer. The singer had just gotten onboard the cruise ship earlier that day and this was her very first time on this ship. The cruise director was standing next to me. He made a comment that was obvious to me that he didn’t love her choice of costume. He then started the show and introduced the singer to the audience. She walked out onstage and belted out the first few lyrics to her opening song. I promise you she hadn’t been on that stage for more than two seconds when he turned to me and said, “Man, it’s a good thing she can sing!” And it’s true; she could blow the place up with her powerful voice. I thought that was really interesting.

Now the truth was that her outfit wasn’t inappropriate. It just wasn’t the cruise director favorite’s costume choice. I found it interesting that all was immediately forgiven the moment that she stepped onstage and had a great, powerful voice. And I know that the audience loved her. She is a great singer and very likable performer as well. Think about how this applies to all that we do. Whether you are an entertainer, a business person, or whatever, that initial impression that we make on others is huge!

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