Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Most Important Things You Must Know Before Booking Entertainment For Your Next Event – Part 6

Over the last several months, we’ve been exploring the most important things you need to know in order to successfully find and book the very best entertainment for your next special event. I created this guide from my experiences over the past ten years as a professional entertainer. I know that if you follow each of these steps you will have a massively successful event. Enjoy the last part, part #6!

9. Payment
Some entertainers and speakers request that you pay up front before the show begins. Others are comfortable accepting payment at the end. Refer to the contract for guidance on what you agreed to. If the entertainer doesn't specify which they prefer, then do whatever is comfortable for you. Some people and many corporations choose to pay in full up front before the actual show date. One of the advantages to paying before the show is that you won’t have to tear yourself away from your guests in order to deliver a check to your entertainer while he or she is trying to pack up or meet people after the program.

10. The Follow-Up
After a program and before they leave, most entertainers and speakers make a point of touching base with the person who booked the event in order to thank them. Also, don’t be surprised if you hear from them again several days after the program to thank you once more and get feedback. Take this opportunity to share your thoughts. You may also wish to discuss other possible entertainment or speaking opportunities you have in the future.

The best way to show your appreciation for an excellent program is to pass the entertainer’s name and contact information along to friends and fellow business associates. Offering to write a letter of recommendation about your experience with an entertainer is also a huge compliment. Letters of recommendation are very powerful tools that entertainers and speakers rely on for booking other events.

Wrap Up
So there you have it. In this blog series, I have compiled the most important tips and techniques I have learned over the past decade of speaking and entertaining at private and corporate events. I hope this information will help you in your quest for the perfect program for your special event. With these tips in mind, go out there with full confidence that you know what you’re doing, and book yourself an outstanding program! Best wishes and good luck!

To start at the beginning of this series, click here.

To contact me directly, click here or give me a call at 888-212-2863. Blessings!

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